Available courses



Registration will close on Monday, 05/16/2025 at 11:59pm EST. 
You will self-register through this website. USF students also need to register through Canvas to get credit.

Course Goal:

Introduction to basic R programming and hand-on practical analysis of cancer datasets. 

Course Description: 

This lecture series will cover the following topics.
Basic R/Rstudio programming, data structures, cancer data cleaning, statistical testing/regression, data visualization with emphasis on R packages Tidyverse, ggplot2, Rmarkdown etc. 

Course Schedule:

Wednesdays, 3:00pm-3:50pm EST, May 21 - July 16, 2025 except the week of Independence Day. 
All lectures available via Zoom. Zoom link will be sent to registered students.

Please see course syllabus for more details.



You will first need to create an account, then you will self-register.

Registration will open, November 20, 2024.
Registration will close on Monday, 01/13/2025 at 11:59pm EST.

Introduce the basic statistical concepts and methods for cancer research.

BIOSTATISTICS 101 for Cancer Researchers at Moffitt is a diverse program presented in 15 lectures. The lectures introduce the basic principles of biostatistics and are intended for individuals who are in the process of learning biostatistical applications and/or for those who desire a refresher course.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: All courses will be presented via Zoom. 
This lecture series will cover the following topics: descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, statistical modeling, power estimation, survival analysis, and clinical trials. 

Moffitt clinicians, fellows, cancer researchers, and Cancer Biology students        

Note: Only Moffitt Members are eligible. Exceptional cases may be discussed with the Administrative Coordinator prior to the registration deadline.


FA24_BSC6939_Genome Data Analysis_Syllabus_2024.pdfFA24_BSC6939_Genome Data Analysis_Syllabus_2024.pdf

Welcome to Genome Data Analysis!  Please see the course syllabus for the certificate requirements.

Registration Deadline: Monday, 08/23/2024 12:00pm EST

August 28 - November 20, 2024
Wednesdays, 3:00pm-4:00pm EST
All lectures available via Zoom

Course Directors:

Xiaoqing Yu, PhD
Associate Member, Dept. of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

Steven Eschrich, PhD
Senior Member, Dept. of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

2024 Introduction_to_Cancer_Statistical_Practice_in_R Syllabus (002).pdf2024 Introduction_to_Cancer_Statistical_Practice_in_R Syllabus (002).pdf


Registration will close on Monday, 05/20/2024 at 11:59pm EST. 
You will self-register through this website. USF students also need to register through Canvas to get credit.

Course Goal:

Introduction to basic R programming and hand-on practical analysis of cancer datasets. 

Course Description: 
This lecture series will cover the following topics.
Basic R/Rstudio programming, data structures, cancer data cleaning, statistical testing/regression, data visualization with emphasis on R packages Tidyverse, ggplot2, Rmarkdown etc. 

Course Schedule:
Wednesdays, 3:00pm-3:50pm EST, May 22 - July 17, 2024 except the week of Independence Day. 
All lectures available via Zoom. Zoom link will be sent to registered students.

Please see course syllabus for more details.



You will first need to create an account, then you will self-register.
Registration will close on Monday, 01/08/2024 at 11:59pm EST

Introduce the basic statistical concepts and methods for cancer research.

BIOSTATISTICS 101 for Cancer Researchers at Moffitt is a diverse program presented in 15 lectures. The lectures introduce the basic principles of biostatistics and are intended for individuals who are in the process of learning biostatistical applications and/or for those who desire a refresher course.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: All courses will be presented via Zoom. 
This lecture series will cover the following topics: descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, statistical modeling, power estimation, survival analysis, and clinical trials. 

Moffitt clinicians, fellows, cancer researchers, and Cancer Biology students        

Note: Only Moffitt Members are eligible. Exceptional cases may be discussed with the Administrative Coordinator prior to the registration deadline.


Syllabus Genome data analysis_2023.pdfSyllabus Genome data analysis_2023.pdf

Welcome to Genome Data Analysis!  Please see the course syllabus for the certificate requirements.

Registration Deadline: Monday, 08/21/2023 12:00pm EST

August 23 - November 15, 2023
Wednesdays, 3:00pm-4:00pm EST
All lectures available via Zoom

Course Directors:

Xiaoqing Yu, PhD
Assistant Member, Dept. of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

Steven Eschrich, PhD
Senior Member, Dept. of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

University Course Description

Introduction to programming and data analysis in R/Rstudio will be presented. Basic concepts related to data manipulation using Tidyverse, generation of visual plots using ggplot2, statistical analysis, and best practices in coding and reproducible research.

Course Purpose

The goal of this class is to introduce participants to the basics of the R programming language for downstream data analysis for cancer research using RStudio.

Course Objectives

Cancer research is becoming highly computational in nature. This course provides an overview and introduction to R/Rstudio for the analysis and visualization of data from cancer studies. The lectures provide introduction to a number of topics with hands-on computing problems. This lecture series is intended for individuals with limited exposure to programming and statistics.

Please see course syllabus for more details

BIOS101 Syllabus.pdfBIOS101 Syllabus.pdf


You will first need to create an account, then you will self-register.
Registration will close on Friday, 01/06/2022 at 11:59pm EST

Introduce the basic statistical concepts and methods for cancer research.

Understanding the fundamentals of biostatistics is important for any type of cancer research. BIOSTATISTICS 101/BIOS 101 for Cancer Researchers at Moffitt is an overview of these fundamentals. The lectures and provided materials introduce the basic principals of biostatistics and are intended for individuals desiring a stronger understanding. 

COURSE DESCRIPTION: All courses will be presented via Zoom. 
This lecture series will cover the following topics: descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, power estimation, tests comparing group means, correlation and regression, statistical modeling, survival analysis, clinical trials, and behavior research. There will 15 lectures, with initial lectures covering all topics at an introductory level and later lectures providing more details on a subset of topics.

Clinicians, Fellows, Cancer Researchers, and Cancer Biology Students.

Note: Only Moffitt Members are eligible. Exceptional cases may be discussed with the Administrative Coordinator prior to the registration deadline.


GDA Fall 22 Course Syllabus.pdfGDA Fall 22 Course Syllabus.pdf

Welcome to Genome Data Analysis!  Please see the course syllabus for the certificate requirements.

Registration Deadline: Monday, 08/22/2022 11:59pm EST

August 24 - November 16, 2022
Wednesdays, 3:00pm-4:00pm EST
All lectures available via Zoom

Course Directors:

Xiaoqing Yu, PhD
Assistant Member, Dept. of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

Steven Eschrich, PhD
Senior Member, Dept. of Biostatistics & Bioinformatics

University Course Description

Introduction to programming and data analysis in R/Rstudio will be presented. Basic concepts related to data manipulation using Tidyverse, generation of visual plots using ggplot2, statistical analysis, and best practices in coding and reproducible research.

Course Purpose

The goal of this class is to introduce participants to the basics of the R programming language for downstream data analysis for cancer research using RStudio.

Course Objectives

Cancer research is becoming highly computational in nature. This course provides an overview and introduction to R/Rstudio for the analysis and visualization of data from cancer studies. The lectures provide introduction to a number of topics with hands-on computing problems. This lecture series is intended for individuals with limited exposure to programming and statistics.

Please see course syllabus for more details


You will first need to create an account, then you will self-register.
Registration will close on Friday, 01/07/2022

Introduce the basic statistical concepts and methods for cancer research.

BIOSTATISTICS 101 for Cancer Researchers at Moffitt is a diverse program presented in 11 lectures. The lectures introduce the basic principles of biostatistics and are intended for individuals who are in the process of learning biostatistical applications and/or for those who desire a refresher course.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: All courses will be presented via Zoom. 
This lecture series will cover the following topics: descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, statistical modeling, power estimation, survival analysis, and clinical trials. 

Moffitt clinicians, fellows, cancer researchers, and Cancer Biology students        

Note: Only Moffitt Members are eligible. Exceptional cases may be discussed with the Administrative Coordinator prior to the registration deadline.


REGISTRATION OPEN: Please create an account in order to self-register.

Technologies to probe genomes and their products have exploded in the past decade. Bioinformatics and computational biology play a role in cancer research and familiarity with concepts in these areas becomes important for hypothesis generation, target validation and discovery. This course provides an overview of genomic data analysis, specifically analytical techniques involving DNA and gene sequences, gene mutations, gene expression and protein measurements. The lectures provide an overview of the topics and introduce key issues in experimental design and analytical strategies for these molecular types. This lecture series is intended for individuals with limited exposure to specific areas of bioinformatics.

Bioinformatics analysis techniques, including derivation of analytical variables from raw signal, descriptive methods and hypothesis testing in large dimensional studies will be presented. The basic concepts, issues and applications of these analysis techniques will be introduced. Examples using website tools and R will be used.

Clinicians, Fellows, Cancer Researchers, and Cancer Biology Students.

*Note: Only Moffitt/PHSU Members are eligible, and exceptional cases should be discussed with the Administrative Coordinator prior to August 25.

2021 Special Topics Health Dispartities Syllabus_FINAL.pdf2021 Special Topics Health Dispartities Syllabus_FINAL.pdf

The objective of this course is to introduce students to the field of health disparities research as it relates to cancer research, cancer prevention, and therapy. The course will utilize a mix of lectures, reading assignments, and in person discussion.

PHSU and MCC/USF summer rotation students (Master’s, PhD and Medical students).

Please see Course Syllabus for more details.

2021 Genomics Experience Syllabus_FINAL.pdf2021 Genomics Experience Syllabus_FINAL.pdf

Biostatistics techniques include descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and correlation. Bioinformatics analysis techniques, including derivation of analytical variables from raw signal, descriptive methods and hypothesis testing in large dimensional studies will be presented. The basic concepts, issues and applications of these analysis techniques will be introduced. Examples using website tools and R will be used.

PHSU and MCC/USF summer rotation students (Master’s, PhD and Medical students).

Please see Course Syllabus for more details.

BACKGROUND: As a follow-up to BIOS 101, an introduction to basic statistical issues for cancer researchers, this 8-lecture series introduces performing simple statistical analysis using standard software.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: There will be demonstrations of using descriptive statistics to review data, transforming data, and a variety of statistical tests to compare means, compare proportions, evaluate covariation between variables, and evaluate time-to-event outcomes. Optional exercises will be provided to practice the analyses demonstrated in the lecture.

WHO WILL TAKE THIS COURSE?: Clinicians, Fellows, Cancer Researchers, and Cancer Biology Students who have received the completion certificate for BIOS 101 for Cancer ResearchersExceptional cases must be discussed with the Course Director prior to the registration deadline.

COURSE GOAL: The goal is to increase understanding of basic statistical issues and techniques common to cancer research through demonstrations of analyses using statistical software.


** Began on November 9, 2020 **
You will first need to create an account, then you will self-register.
Registration will close on Monday, January 11, 2021.

Introduce the basic statistical concepts and methods for cancer research.

BIOSTATISTICS 101 for Cancer Researchers at Moffitt is a diverse program presented in 11 lectures. The lectures introduce the basic principles of biostatistics and are intended for individuals who are in the process of learning biostatistical applications and/or for those who desire a refresher course.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: All courses will be presented via Zoom. 
This lecture series will cover the following topics: descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, correlation and regression, statistical modeling, power estimation, survival analysis, and clinical trials. 

Moffitt clinicians, fellows, cancer researchers, and Cancer Biology students        

Note: Only Moffitt Members are eligible. Exceptional cases may be discussed with the Administrative Coordinator prior to the registration deadline.


REGISTRATION OPEN: Please create an account in order to self-register.

Technologies to probe genomes and their products have exploded in the past decade. Bioinformatics and computational biology play a role in cancer research and familiarity with concepts in these areas becomes important for hypothesis generation, target validation and discovery. This course provides an overview of genomic data analysis, specifically analytical techniques involving DNA and gene sequences, gene mutations, gene expression and protein measurements. The lectures provide an overview of the topics and introduce key issues in experimental design and analytical strategies for these molecular types. This lecture series is intended for individuals with limited exposure to specific areas of bioinformatics.

Bioinformatics analysis techniques, including derivation of analytical variables from raw signal, descriptive methods and hypothesis testing in large dimensional studies will be presented. The basic concepts, issues and applications of these analysis techniques will be introduced. Examples using website tools and R will be used.

Clinicians, Fellows, Cancer Researchers, and Cancer Biology Students.

*Note: Only Moffitt/PHSU Members are eligible, and exceptional cases should be discussed with the Administrative Coordinator prior to August 26.


COURSE DESCRIPTION: Biostatistics techniques include descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, and correlation. Bioinformatics analysis techniques, including derivation of analytical variables from raw signal, descriptive methods and hypothesis testing in large dimensional studies will be presented. The basic concepts, issues and applications of these analysis techniques will be introduced. Examples using website tools and R will be used.

Syllabus BIOS101_2020_SPRING.pdfSyllabus BIOS101_2020_SPRING.pdf

BACKGROUND: Understanding biostatistics is the foundation for cancer research. BIOSTATISTICS 101, BIOS 101, for Cancer Researchers at Moffitt is a diverse program presented in an 11 lecture series. The lectures introduce the basic principles of biostatistics and are intended for individuals who are in the process of learning biostatistical applications and/or for those who desire a refresher course.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, correlation, statistical modeling, power estimation, survival analyses, and clinical trials will be taught in this lecture series.

WHO WILL TAKE THIS COURSE?: Clinicians, Fellows, Cancer Researchers, and Cancer Biology Students.

Traditional described as Cancer Research Techniques and now titled Modern Basic Tools of Research, this class discusses the theory and practice of different strategies used for cancer research.  Students should gain knowledge of different resources available to them at the cancer center, which include both highly trained personnel and instrumentation.

The Population Science Educational Series aims to provide a centralized site for .....