
Registration will close on Monday, 05/16/2025 at 11:59pm EST. 
You will self-register through this website. USF students also need to register through Canvas to get credit.

Course Goal:

Introduction to basic R programming and hand-on practical analysis of cancer datasets. 

Course Description: 

This lecture series will cover the following topics.
Basic R/Rstudio programming, data structures, cancer data cleaning, statistical testing/regression, data visualization with emphasis on R packages Tidyverse, ggplot2, Rmarkdown etc. 

Course Schedule:

Wednesdays, 3:00pm-3:50pm EST, May 21 - July 16, 2025 except the week of Independence Day. 
All lectures available via Zoom. Zoom link will be sent to registered students.

Please see course syllabus for more details.